Apple Air Tag Benefits

No Lost Luggage

Like Oprah, I also have a list of FAVORITE THINGS!

As an avid traveler, I have a long list of FAVORITE THINGS.  And, at the top of my list is the Apple Air Tag!

When Apple introduced the Air Tag in 2021, I immediately ordered a four-pack because I have a bad habit of losing things.  My cell phone, glasses, etc.  I still occasionally misplace those items, but I’m NEVER out of contact with my luggage anymore, thanks to Air Tags! 

Click to purchase


Air Tag is a tracking device that you can attach to anything you own and it will passively track the item’s location whenever it pings a nearby Apple device.  This happens with your personal iPhone, or someone else’s iPhone or iPad; there is no cellular or GPA chip in the Air Tag itself.

Why does this work so well?

Because of the sheer number of iOS devices around the world.  Anything you lose, anywhere in the world, chances are someone with an iPhone will be nearby.  Your lost item will ping its location off that device and report the location back to you.  No personal data is transmitted in the process.

You can view the location of your Air Tag in the Find My App on your iOS device.  Each Air Tag has a small internal speaker so you can use sound to locate your luggage.

It’s a personal digital luggage tag!

Isn’t this great?

Well, it gets even better, because the price is so affordable.  One Air Tag is $29 and a four-pack is $89 on Amazon (delivered right to your door).

Click here to purchase,

Splurge for the four-pack since you have more than one piece of luggage, it’s the best deal!

Other good-to-know information…

  • You don’t need to charge your Air Tag, a replaceable coin-cell battery powers it
  • The cell battery lasts for about a year
  • Replacement batteries are the standard coin-cell batteries found in a Dollar Store, pharmacy, or grocery store… just about anywhere

Airline apps that include a baggage tracking option are great, but they can only track the bag until it is delivered to the carousel within the airport.

I’ve been on the opposite side of the world without my luggage.  How did I feel?  Not happy, but I was able to instantly promote myself to Chief Baggage Officer and get assistance from the baggage customer service agents who started the process of retrieving my luggage.

It happens quite often; a passenger mistakenly grabs your luggage (bags look alike) and goes home with it.  Not realizing it’s not theirs until it’s unpacked.   And, if you don’t have a luggage tag on it, they won’t know who it belongs to.  You’ll just have to wait until they get around to delivering it back to the airport.

With Air Tag, you know your luggage’s location and together with baggage customer service agents, the retrieval process is so much easier.

These very popular tags are used for so much…I have them in my wallet, and on my key ring, but the ones I place in my luggage have saved me from stressing dozens of times.  The Apple Air Tag and the massive network of iOS devices will shorten the length of time you are separated from your belongings.

I travel with an Air Tag in every piece of luggage I own.

Do you want constant access to the location of your checked bags?  If so, use this travel hack and purchase your Air Tags today.  You can thank me later.

Click here to purchase


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